Travel around the world, Enjoy breakfast in London, Lunch in NewYork, Dinner in Sydney and Earn the highest Salaries in the world. I will prepare You with everything you will need to clear the Airline Job Interview Process. I come from a vast experience of over 12 years as an International Cabin crew and Trainer and give individual attention to each student to ensure they get thier dream Job and Fly up in the Air.


Your Golden Door to Success

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them. To see an opportunity we must be open to all thoughts.We do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life

What we will learn.

  Day 1 - Welcome to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 2 - Airline Requirements and Soft Skills
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 3 - Communication Skills
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 4 - Airline Grooming
Available in days
days after you enroll
  DAY 5 - Resume and Interview Skills
Available in days
days after you enroll

Trisha - Cabin Crew Indigo Airlines

I loved the course very much, I really learnt new things in my course everyday and challenging myself to achieve my dream Thank you so much Ambara, It is very helpful to each and every person who wants to choose their career in Aviation.

Thank you Rohini Rao Mam, it was a great pleasure to meet you.

Aviation and Communication Skills
Aviation and Communication Skills

A cabin Crew's primary responsibility is to ensure safety of passengers and involves constant communication with collogues and passengers on board. Hence we work on not only making you the best cabin crew but also have high communication skills

Grooming and Personality Development
Grooming and Personality Development

Make up just doesn't mean putting on lipstick and mascara. We work deeply with your mental welfare, physical health, yoga meditation, skin and hair care routines, personal hygiene, professional dressing and hairstyles.

Campus Placements
Campus Placements


We Mold Your Career. We Invite Various Airlines to Online and Offline Conduct Campus Placements at our Training academy to make you feel at ease and have less competition compared to public walk-in interviews. Most of our students are recruited during Campus Interviews at our centre

Our Mission

To help you understand and get trained into skilled and dedicated professionals, ready to take on the real-world challenges by serving the Fast-Growing Aviation Industry. With our experienced trainers and a vast array of professional training, we prepare you to realise your